Collecting a block with maximum value is your goal.
How do it:
• Slide outside the cube to look at this from all sides.
• Touch the grain of the cube and slide to the way you want it to rotate.
• All blocks fall down.
• Blocks with the same value will sum in case they touched.
• New block will appear in any place after each step.
• 2 new blocks will appear after each step after you sum 2048 and 3 new blocks after 4096.
• Continuation depends on you!
To activate the Augmented Reality mode, go to Settings.
Download a pattern for creating a cube:
At the moment you may use in game:
• Undo 3 steps.
• Choosing theme of values (numeral/dice).
Coming soon:
• Freeze of block.
• Delete of block.
Thanks for Gabriele Cirulli!